Hi, my name is
Fathonah Zuchriyah
Front-end Developer
About Me
Hello, my name is Fathonah Zuchriyah. I'm a weird guy who likes making weird things with web technologies. I like to resolve design problems, create smart user interface and imagine useful interaction.
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently is ES6, React, Vue.
Some Things I’ve Built
Bookshelf App
A simple app for add books to bookshelf and moving books to finished read or not finished read. this app built with Javascript (ES6) and using web storage.
Meal Recipes Web
App for meal recipes, you can find many meal recipes in the app if you want to cooking. this app built with API data, Javascript, Tailwind Css.
Web Portfolio
Web Portfolio for web developer. and a developer can show-off their resume and project who built by them.
Insure Landing Page
Insure landing page is a site about humanity insurance. This site built with ReactJS and Sass.
Random User
random user app is a web that displays user data from different countries. this app is made using data API and react js
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